Thursday, June 11, 2009

Studio: Day 8

Today was a good day, as usual. We got all the guitars 99% finished... I say 99% because we'll probably remember something we missed at some point... and we finished a lot of the vocals.

We've got a few more days of actual tracking to do, and then we'll be mixing.

We've been sorta mixing the record as we go, so its taking more time, but it leaves less work until the end. We're doing things really different this time, we're not rushing, yet we've set a time limit, and we're doing our best to finish it on time. We do not really record more than one or two days a week, so it gives us time to clear our heads, and that is something that is really important. If you're in the studio every day the songs start all just losing their vibe, and we've done that in the past where we lived in a studio for 6 months... and doing things this way is just a better working environment for us. I really think it will show when people check out the record.

That is all for now! cheers

- System

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